Common items easily found in the kitchen such as lemons. Did you know that it has more benefits than just adding a sour taste to food? Just squeeze the lemon as you like into warm water. And drink it on an empty stomach about 30 minutes before breakfast, you already get a huge benefit from it. In lemons, there are many nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber, pectin, protein, carbohydrates, citric acid, vitamins A, C, B, which are all beneficial to the human body. So how do these nutrients affect our body? Let’s go and see.
Warm water with lemon will make you look better.
It may sound exaggerated, but it’s true. The warm water mixed with lemon and honey can help eliminate bad breath. Because it stimulates the production of saliva to kill bacteria in the mouth. Keeps your breath fresh Enhance your good personality Helps to purify the blood and stimulate the growth of new blood cells. Vitamin C helps fight free radicals, reduce wrinkles and dark spots. Stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. All of which makes your skin look more radiant. It also helps in weight loss because it is high in pectin, helping you feel full for longer. There are also many nutrients to nourish such as vitamins B and C, phosphorus, protein and carbohydrates.that adds energy to the body
Helps the digestive system and excretion better.
Lemons help in stimulating the liver to produce the bile needed for digestion. Helps drive toxins out of the body Helps reduce colic, belching, flatulence, and also contributes to the excretory system. Reduce constipation, diarrhea. because it stimulates bowel movements And the citric acid in lemons will help flush out toxins. And prevent urinary tract inflammation as well. It also helps to add oxygen to the body. This will leave you feeling refreshed, energized and energetic throughout the day.
Helps to strengthen the body
Lemon juice is known to be high in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and flu. Antibacterial, reduce throat infection Reduce sore throat and reduce tonsillitis. Contains saponins that help to fight microorganisms and prevent infection. It also reduces pain and joint inflammation caused by uric acid. Because lemons help reduce acidity in the body and balance the pH, and it’s very important. The potassium in lemons will help you relax, resulting in better quality sleep. Help reduce blood pressure to normal levels.
drink more water The more benefits
It is well known that 55% – 78% of the human body is made up of water. Although the body will already receive water into the body from the food eaten and from the metabolic process Drinking more water throughout the day will help keep your body more balanced. If the body gets enough water, it will help the body work smoothly. Helps to moisturize the skin. Reduce inflammation and migraine headaches. It also helps flush out toxins that enter the body as well. In addition, the cleanliness of drinking water is another necessity that must be emphasized. Because the water seems clear but may contain contaminants, such as mineral salts, heavy metals such as lead, chromium, and mercury, or even chlorine used to disinfect tap water.Although the kidneys help filter various contaminants and excrete them through the urine. But drinking contaminated water for a long time can lead to long-term problems with your kidneys.
Drinking too little water can have negative effects.
Although drinking warm water mixed with lemon is very useful. But if you don’t drink enough water during the day, it may have a bad effect on your body as well. Whether it’s urinary tract – bladder inflammation joint pain, bone pain, hemorrhoids, dry skin, not moist and most importantly makes the blood thicker and more viscous This causes the heart to be unable to adequately pump blood to the brain. It can eventually result in dementia. Therefore, drinking enough water, about 8 glasses a day, or about 1.5 liters a day, is recommended to maintain water balance in the body.
Although drinking warm water with lemon has enormous benefits as mentioned above. But don’t forget to take care of your body in other areas, such as exercise. getting enough sleep Make your mind free from stress. Eat all 5 food groups and most importantly Drink clean, pure water free from various contaminants, enough to meet the needs of the body. It will encourage you to have good health both outside and inside.